Enrollment 2023

Gregor Humar

Ph.D. advisors: Dragan Mihailović and Jaka Vodeb

Ph.D. topic: Non-equilibrium dynamics simulations on quantum devices

Contact: humar.grega@gmail.com 

Andrey Levin

Ph.D. advisors: Pavel Ostrovsky and Lev Vidmar

Ph.D. topic: Superconducting proximity effects in nonuniform disordered ferromagnets

Contact: andrei.levin@nanocenter.si

Pavel Orlov

Ph.D. advisor:  Tomaž Prosen

Ph.D. topic: to be agreed in spring 2024

Contact: orlov.pe.fh@gmail.com 

Elizaveta Safonova

Ph.D. advisors: Mikhail Feigel'man and Tomaž Prosen

Ph.D. topic: Non-ergodic extended states in presence of heavy tails: supersymmetry approach

Viktoriia Yursa 

Ph.D. advisor:  Dragan Mihailović

Ph.D. topic: to be agreed in spring 2024

Contact: Viktoriia.Yursa@nanocenter.si